Thursday, August 23, 2018

♡ courtney love killed kurt cobain ♡

Kurt Cobain was the lead singer of the alternative/ rock band that he had with Krist Novoselic named 'Nirvana' in 1987. They went through several drummers throughout the years until they finally landed on Dave Grohl in 1990. All of Kurt's childhood friends, crew members and family all denied Kurt was ever suicidal, a negative person or ever sad. They described him as quiet but often outgoing and funny, not to say he was never sad or he didn't have any mental illnesses, I just don't believe that that was the cause of his death. Before I start this theory I just want to say I don't mean any disrespect to Kurt's death or to his family, ect - this is just a theory, however I do believe in this. Now onto Courtney Love, she is the now widowed wife of Kurt Cobain, she was involved in a lot of small bands whilst growing up and acting. She was in a band named 'Hole' in 1989 and her fame grew. She was known to have a loud and wild personality, she also did a lot of drugs and had a fiery temper. Some of the common themes of her music were body image, rape, prostitution, pregnancy, suicide and death. She became addicted to heroin in 1990, there were theories that she took heroin whilst she was pregnant so her sister had temporary custody over Francis (her daughter.) However, Courtney denies ever using whilst pregnant.
Courtney had been married once before to a man named James Moreland, however she said he was a transvestite and their marriage was a 'joke.' She claims she met Kurt at a Dharma Bums show in Portland Oregon but many say this isn't true. They began dating in the autumn of 1991 and got married in Hawaii on February 24th 1992. 

Now onto Kurt's death and the theory...

In Germany on March 1st 1994, Kurt was diagnosed with bronchitis and severe laryngitis. He flew to Rome for medical treatment where Courtney joined him. The morning of March 4th 1994 Courtney woke up to find out Kurt had overdosed on champagne and rohynol. After 5 days in hospital Kurt was finally released and sent home to Seattle. Courtney claims this was Kurt's first suicide attempt. On March 18th 1994 Courtney called the police claiming Kurt had locked himself in the bathroom with a gun. However, when the police arrived Kurt claimed he was 'hiding from Courtney.' This enraged Courtney and pushed her to arrange an intervention for Kurt and she blamed all his actions on drugs. At first Kurt was angry and locked himself in his bedroom, but then agreed to admit himself into rehab where his friends often visited and reported him as being 'happy' and they said he 'never appeared in a negative state of mind.' He would often play and laugh with his daughter. 

Kurt was released from the rehab center on April 1st 1994 but he didn't tell Courtney where he was and she grew paranoid. 2 days later, on April 3rd she hired a private investigator, Tom Grant, who now claims Courtney is a 'sociopath.' Courtney hired Tom to find where Kurt was and watch him as she was 'suspicious' he was cheating and hiding things. Tom flew to Seattle and began his research, gathering information and evidence whilst working with his best friend, Dylan Carlson. Very quickly Tom grew suspicious of Courtney as she would act devious and her stories wouldn't add up. Tom quickly learned that his investigation had a much deeper meaning and that Courtney had hidden intentions. There were audio recordings of Courtney speaking on the phone to Tom claiming if she killed him she could 'get away with it.' 

On April 7th Nirvana pulled out of the Lollapalooza music festival amongst rumours the band was breaking up. 

One day before Kurt's body was found, Dylan and Tom searched Cobain's house and didn't find much, however Dylan had failed to mention the room above the garage which was sort of hidden from view. So why was that room not searched like the rest of the house? Well on April 8th 1994 electrician Gary Smith entered the home to install a security system where he discovered Kurt's lifeless body on the floor. A shotgun pointing at his chin, a note and a box containing evidence of heroin usage was also found at the crime scene. Tom became very suspicious of why Dylan didn't tell him about that room so he decided to sit down and talk to Dylan and Courtney about it. However, whenever Tom tried to talk to them Courtney would give Dylan drugs to distract him from all the questions Tom was asking. Tom became very suspicious and frustrated, then began working Courtney out as a suspect. 
On the day Kurt was found Tom approached a detective at the crime scene explaining he had a lot of information surrounding his death and could even possibly already have a suspect. The detective told the sheriff and the sheriff REJECTED him. He said he didn't want to hear what Tom had to say, what police officer, let alone sheriff turns down any information on a case? Especially a case as serious as this! It was obvious that Courtney probably paid them off to keep quiet and defend her. 

It was filed that Kurt had overdosed on heroin but the amount found in his system didn't add up. It was 3x the lethal dosage, meaning that if he had injected that much then he wouldn't of been capable of shooting up himself. The shotgun found at the scene somehow had no fingerprints on - come on, if Kurt had held that gun to his chin there would be fingerprints all over it! The way it was angled would have made it impossible for him to shoot himself, especially with that amount of heroin in his system. 3 photos were taken that day of the crime scene and still have not been released, the Seattle police were very secretive from the start. Lastly, the suicide note. The note was addressed to 'Boddah', who was Kurt's childhood imaginary friend. Weirdly, the note doesn't mention suicide and it's more about quitting music. Also, the only time Courtney and Francis are mentioned is at the end - where the handwriting is larger and a lot more sprawled out. Handwriting experts have said it was clearly forged and Kurt didn't write it. Also, this is the only part that mentions 'goodbye' even though it's meant to be a suicide note? There were notes found in Courtney's journal in her bag that contained pages of somebody practising Kurt's handwriting. It is obvious that Kurt had written a letter to his childhood imaginary friend about wanting to quit music and Courtney has added the little bit at the end to make it seem like a suicide note. 
So you may ask, why would Courtney kill Kurt? She loved him, he loved her. Well, Kurt was in the process of leaving Courtney and Courtney knew this and told her attorney to find the 'meanest and most vicious' lawyer. If Kurt was still married to Courtney when he died, she would receive all of his money and she knew she would get even more famous from his death. So the theory is that Kurt was unhappy with all the fame and attention and wanted to quit music, leave Courtney and start a happier life somewhere else. Courtney didn't like this so she hired someone to kill Kurt, make it look like a suicide, forge a note and got all of his money and fame. Honestly, it doesn't sound too crazy if you look at all the facts. After Kurt's death Courtney was on every magazine cover and her image blew up, just what she wanted. And the real reason she hired Tom Grant was because she wanted to know where he was, when to strike and how to cover it up.
If you want to know more about Kurt's death (as I've only covered a few of the main facts) then go watch 'Soaked In Bleach' on Netflix, it covers all of this and then you can make a decision of what you believe really happened for yourself.

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♡ courtney love killed kurt cobain ♡

Kurt Cobain was the lead singer of the alternative/ rock band that he had with Krist Novoselic named 'Nirvana' in 1987. They we...